
Mar 27, 2011

Doubutsu Uranai and Sunday

iseng2 browsing nyari game2 lucu, nemu ini deh.. DOUBUTSU URANAI.. iseng isi nama sendiri sama namanya agil, daaaaaannn ada hasilnya :D, here it is :


You are Yellow Lion, who looks cheerful, straightforward and precise, but at the bottom of your heart, you are very cautious towards other people and do not take your guard off so easily.
You are always thoroughly on your guard.
You hardly express your emotions, but can act in line with the others.
Although this make you look sociable, you are not truly coming out of your shell.
You tend to be rather a lonely person, and work hard without taking notice of the surrounding situations.
You dislike being interfered, and do not depend on or show your weakness to others.
You tend to endure your struggle all on your own.
You are very responsible person, and puts great effort in improving traditional things.
You don't go rushing into things on your own, but try to work by keeping well balanced with others.
You have perseverance, and carry things out with determination to finish it.
You live your life actively and are reliable person.
Your ways of thinking is sound and reliable. This sometimes gives you an impression of being too serious and strong-minded.
You don't possess emotional dependence and obsession.
You have a very straight forward atmosphere, and can tackle things calmly.
You don't brood over as well.
You can look after and take good care of those younger than you and those who are weaker than you.
They depend on you greatly.
You will keep your career even after the marriage.
It will be important for you and your partner to respect each other.

ada benarnya siy, saya memang agak kesepian, ngga jarang saya ngabisin waktu buat jalan2 sendirian dan berautis ria dengan handphone..yeah, i live with my handphone all the time coz Agil is there, i share anything just with him.. "you'll keep ur career even after marriage".. ohh sounds good!!! smoga berujung baik buat saya sama Agil, hihihi.. amin :)


Purple Wolf types of people tend to be pretentious in attitudes and clothes.
Because, you act very bald wherever you are, and your behavior is rather inconsiderate, people at first, think you are difficult to get on with.
But you are really a very honest man, and once understood, you are liked by many people.
Although you seem to be idealistic, you have sociality as well.
You work hard and persistently to your goal.
You put priority on experience when making decision, and will put that into action.
You are good natured man.
You may be taken advantage of, and inflict loss.
Sometimes you turn to drinks to get away from that stress.
You dislike common things, and will insist your own ways of thinking.
You can provide an impetus to ordinary every day.
Good fortunes, naturaly comes to your side.
Even if you don't put in great effort, you can be successful by the works and help of the others around you.
You are also born lucky financially and materially.
You are weak on making quick decisions.
Although you are not good at work that requires quick decision making, you have a sense of planning.
If you have someone who can put your plan into action, you will be successful.

woohoo. you are my good man!!! :).. i know that.. wkekekeekkek, lucky financially and materially? *drolling* smoga amin *lho? hihihhii.. eh, tp ada yang salah deh kayaknya tuh, yg katanya suka "minum" kalo lagi setress. amit2 yaa ,mudah2an ngga.

Yaak! sunday dan besok monday.. ngapain aja seharian ini? berleha2 doang di kasur.. padahal tadi malam udah niat pagi ini mau nyuci sama beres2 kamar, tapiiii hujaan booook dari buka mata sampe detik ini.. jadi maleuss aja kerja.. hihihhihi..

What a lazy day!!!

happy sunday by the way :))

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