
May 10, 2010

new stuff(s)

hellow everyone... long time no see since my last post , yeay.. ! how's life there? hope anything is OK ;)
actually, there's too much story too tell :)..
okay, i'll start from.........................................................

1) remember this post guys? yup... i said that i really2 want LOMO! and look what i've got now:

lomo diana F+

uyeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!! :D . i bought it from my classmate, yes, it's a second stuff, but still a new one, my friend said, she just open the cover and never use it. she want a super sampler actually, not diana F+,but her brother was wrong when he bought it in, it's mine already ;)..

2) fyi guys, not easy to get the roll film of this "Diana". in manado, no photos studio have it, so i must buy in the other city. and, thankyu for ricalgi my boyfriend, he bought it @makassar.. heeheeh..
and to day, the package just arrived it is :

yesss!!!! ready to "cekrek" !!!! :D

3) hmmm..last stuff :

this old clasic camera isn't mine. but my friend's stuff. she lend it to me coz she know i love photography.. thankyu sweetheart. :)

okay, just wait for the result yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :))

p.s : sorry about my bad grammar, hhuehehehhe :D



  1. embetoku..slamat bersonag2 yaaa.:) setidakx pengobat hti krn hp nda bsa bsms itu..:)

  2. hehehhehe :))
    thankyu sayaaangggg..
    miss u..

  3. wah,,, blogx bgus jg yeahh... kreatif bgt dh...... lam knal y dew... :)

  4. makasih ya mba watii :)
    maaf baru dibaca komennya,hehehe
